Raviv Ganchrow (US/IL/NL)
location: north/east Agora near Measuring Tables map >>>
Agora Circuit patches locational energetics through anthropogenic sedimentation at the ancient agora of Messene. Today after millennia of weathering, while morphing back into raw limestone, these reassembled architectural fragments expose attitudes fossilized at their intersection with terrestrial matter. They are sediments of bygone, yet familiar, civic rituals still propagating through today’s urban earthworks. Such circuits inscribed in ground and masonry habituate the social and enact the landscape beyond. The agora in particular – consisting of an open plaza combined with peripheral shaded stoas – is a crucial waymark in the perpetuation of contemporary public (and economic) space. Agora Circuit is a live in-situ circuit, literally plugged into the expanse of stone, dirt and air. A rewire of human-mineral binds interlinking column vibrations, irrigation channel infrasound, telluric currents of future earthquakes and distant tropical thunderstorms, marketplace standard measure resonance and the politics of stoa reverb.