The installations are all new commissions for this edition of Tuned City and are developed and produced very site specific within the context of Ancient Messene or the village of Mavromati.
Because of the very site specific nature of the projects and the special conditions of the historic environment some projects and ideas might change slightly in terms of content and location during the process of development one site.
The installations running permanently for the whole event 1.-3. June, 10:00 – 19:00
Some of the projects will have performative activations or link with presentation moments in to the proceedings.

The Afters
Shift Register – Marin Howse (UK/DE) + Jamie Allen (CA) location: Workshop east of Ekklesiasterion map >>> presentation June 3rd: Read more.
Alexandros Drymonitis (GR) location: Central square Mavromati map >>> Behind the visual reality of a city, another dimension rich in Read more.
The Treasury
Steve Bates (CA) location: Treasury map >>> Field recordings of tree leaves rustling in the wind collected from around Messene Read more.
Resonant Geometries
John Grzinich (US/EE) location: Close to Villa Romana map >>> ›Resonant Geometries‹ is a performative exploration in redefining geometric space Read more.
Sounding Temple
Panos Amelidis (GR/UK) location: South of Palaestra map >>> The Sounding Temple is an artistic inquiry on the creation of Read more.
Act as fate wills, destruction comes
Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt (CA) location: many different locations each day as the twentieth year of the war was approaching, they Read more.
Agora Circuit
Raviv Ganchrow (US/IL/NL) location: north/east Agora near Measuring Tables map >>> Agora Circuit patches locational energetics through anthropogenic sedimentation at Read more.
Jens Brand (DE) location: different location every day The Pythagorean “harmony of the spheres” and resulting notions of the “musica Read more.
Vicky Bisbiki (GR) locations: Mavromati village Old School map >>> and Ruined House map >>> Man’s activity in time has left Read more.
Listening Across 5000 Miles and 4000 Years!
Shannon Mattern (US) location: Workshop south of Theater map >>> Is it possible to listen across 5000 miles and 4000 Read more.
Black Anthenna
Gilles Aubry (CH/DE) + Nathalie Mba Bikoro (GA) location: different locations The artists re-examine the entangled histories of German colonialism Read more.
Dom-ino Vibrations
Christian Espinoza (CL) & Rene Rissland (DE) location: Shell map >>> In 1914 Swiss architect Le Corbusier designed his Dom-ino Read more.
Paul Gründorfer (AT) location: different locations Following the idea of sonority as a temporary ubiquitous experience, Limbo will investigate transitions Read more.
Andreas Töpfer (DE) location: different locations each day Following the idea of notating sensory impressions like taste and smell among Read more.
Yann Leguay (BE) location: different locations Rock engravings are among the oldest traces of human culture. To store information in Read more.