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Sounds belong to the City. They determine spaces and identities. For years, artists have been using city noises as a material to stage or to question urban space – new
territory, however, for most architects and planners within the routines of functional planning procedures. Tuned City – Between Sound- and Space Speculation searches for a new evaluation of architectural spaces from the perspective of acoustics. This volume
presents various positions of architects, artists and theorists to expand the architectural discourse with the dimension of listening.

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With contributions by: Anne Kockelkorn und Doris Kleilein, Barry Blesser und Linda-Ruth Salter, Gisela Herzog und Gerhard Steinke, Susanne Hauser, Thomas Ankersmit, Pascal Amphoux und Grégoire Chelkoff, Raviv Ganchrow, Mark Bain, Arno Brandlhuber und Markus Emde, Michael Bull, Stefan Kölsch, Jacob Kirkegaard

Tuned City – between sound- and space speculation
Edited by Anne Kockelkorn, Doris Kleilein, Gesine Pagels und Carsten Stabenow
200 Seiten, german/english, with Illustrations by Andreas Töpfer

EUR(D) 25,00 / EUR(A) 25,70
ISBN 978-3-937445-36-6

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