Douglas Kahn (US/AUS) is an historian and theorist of media, the arts and music. He is Professor of Media and Innovation at the National Institute of Experimental Arts, UNSW Art & Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney, and the author of Earth Sound Earth Signal: Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts (2013), and Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts (1999). He edited the collection Energies in the Arts (forthcoming from MIT Press) and is completing Of Artists and Ecopaths: Energies from the Cold War to the Warm War. With Hannah Higgins he edited Mainframe Experimentalism: Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts (2012); with Larry Austin, Source: Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1973 (2011); and with Gregory Whitehead, Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio and the Avant-garde (1992).