
Site of Sound #2

Site of Sound Vol. 2 edited by Brandon Labelle and Claudia Martinho aims to address contemporary work being done in the cross-over between sound and architecture. The anthology brings together new research and writing that charts out the theoretical implications and consequences for artistic and spatial discourses, while documenting contemporary projects that come to occupy and define a sonic-spatial territory.

We are especially happy as the cover shows the Seaplane Hangar in Tallinn around wich the initial Tuned City event in Tallinn 2010 took place. The book contains a very nice documentation of the installation Crescents by Raviv Ganchrow. Next to that you can find many participants of Tuned City in that volume.

With contributions by Justin Bennett, Usman Haque, David Schafer, James Webb, Edwin van der Heide, Raviv Ganchrow, Jodi Rose, Nigel Helyer, Michael Gendreau, Jean-Paul Thibaud, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, Oliver Laric, David Stalling / Anthony Kelly, Romano, Natasha Barrett / Birger Sevaldson, Scott Arford / Randy Yau, Riccardo Benassi, Carrie Bodle, Jenny Pickett / Julien Ottavi, Pascal Broccolichi, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, Joaquín Gutiérrez Hadid, Franz Pomassl & Björn Quiring.

With accompanying CD of related audio.


sonic impressions from the festival

7. July 2011 – opening

8. July 2011 – first conference day

9. July 2011 – second conference day

10. July 2011 – third conference day

and 3 words about tuned city…

The participants of the framework radio – documentation and production workshop held within the framework of Tuned City Tallinn have been gathering recordings and interviews throughout the opening celebration and the first two days of the main program. The result are audio highlight sequences. For listening please press the links above.

framework radio – documentation and production
with Felicity Ford (UK) and Valeria Merlini (IT / D)
on behalf of framework radio, Patrick McGinley (US / EE)


July 10th / Ankersmit performing at Cromatico

This afternoon Thomas Ankersmit gave an acoustic saxophone performance at Cromatico installation by Lukas Kühne located at Laulauväljak – Song Festival Ground

Within the world of acoustic instruments, the saxophone remains unique in that it is both extremely directional and very close in timbre to the human voice. As an autodidact saxophonist, Thomas Ankersmit has learned to augment these characteristics with his own microtonal sound-palette. Adapting the possibilities of his instrument to the conditions of the respective sites–the Soviet-era Linnahall lobby and Lukas Kühne’s Cromatico sculpture in the Song Festival Grounds–Ankersmit aims at making the listeners aware of the space around them and unlocking its sonic peculiarities.


July 10th / Sound installations at playground, Rotermanni 8

Throughout the afternoon of July 10th Mads Bech Paluszewski and the participants of the workshop Tuning the city will set-up a series of sound installations at the playground, Rotermanni 8.

The installations are the result of a several days during experimentation with the acoustic possibilities of the city. The method was basically to experiment with the Tactile-Acoustic Interventionist approach. This means, to use the physical and tactile aspects of acoustics to adapt the everyday objects and structures in our urban surroundings.
For further information please see Tuning the City workshop >>>


July 9th & 10th – 16:00 / Performance by Pierre-Laurent Cassière

Transphere – Performance by Pierre-Laurent Cassière (F)
July 9th / 10th – ca. 16:00-17:00 between Tornide Väljak and Raekoja plats

Equipped with a highly directional parabolic microphone plugged to a speaker, the performer manipulates acoustic fields by moving sounds artificially. Improvising a walk through Tallinn, he reveals vibratory details of the physical environment to the audience and modifies their perception of sonic space. For a few seconds, the performer’s body becomes an acoustic interface whose position and motion determinates new relationships in the organisation of sonic environment. (Coproduction SMAK & Vooruit, Gent, Belgium)


Conference day 1 @ Kultuurikatel

The first conference day took place at Kultuurikatel, an ongoing reconstruction project of an old Tallinn Power Plant complex.

The lecture program was devided in two blocks: Sounding the local with lectures by Carlo A. Cubero (EE), John Grzinich (US/EE), Urve Lippus (EE) and Louise K Wilson (UK), and Subjective Soundscapes with lectures by Marta García Quiñones (ES), Justin Bennett (UK/NL), Peter Cusack (UK) and Ann Goossens  (BE) + Jaume Ferrete (E). We thank all participants and are looking forward to 2 more days of lectures and presentations.


Tonight, July 7th – official opening / Performance by Charles Curtis

The official opening of Tuned City Tallinn will take place tonight starting at 20:00 at Hobuveski (Horse Mill Theater), Lai 23, map>>>.

We are looking forward to the concert of the internationally acknowledged cellist of experimental music Charles Curtis. Curtis will be performing “Naldjorlak”, a piece born of a collaboration between him and French electroacoustic composer Eliane Radigue. The public is invited to join us. Tickets can be purchased directly on the venue or online. Price: € 8,- / € 10,-
The concert is part of a series of evening performances taking place within the framework of Tuned City Tallinn. Over the next days Charlemagne Palestine, Thomas Ankersmit and Maja S.K. Ratkje will be presenting their approaches to sound and space, each using his/ her chosen instrument – the organ, the saxophone and the voice.
For further information please see performances >>>.


July 7th / 12-tone filter underway in city space

Today the German duo Eyland07 will put into action the 12-tone filter, a mobile urban noise transformer. The installation will be up and running by 12:00 at Vabaduse Väljak (Freedome Square). The public is invited to join and experience the object´s capacity to transform urban noises into tuned sounds.

The 12-tone filter is a mobile sonic object that transforms so called bad noise into good noise. The performance aims at changing the listeners´ perception of the given sonic sourrounding and adding a new quality to the experiance of hearing strong everyday sounds such as street traffic and city noise. The 12-tone filter will be presented several times throughout the festival. Times and sites will be announced online or you stop by MÄRZ project space located in the Old Town. Here you can get information on all Tuned City Tallinn projects and events. You can pick-up the program and visit the exibition.


Open call: ideas regarding the bell installation „Helin“ at Linnahall / today July 6th 17:00

Tuned City Tallinn and Lift 11 send out an open call for ideas regarding the bell installation „Helin“ at Linnahall.

We will be meeting today, July 6th at 17:00 at the installation. To get there pass by the Linnahall stairs facing Põhja pst and turn under the building.
The installation is a sound project. Due to site-specific reasons, it does not function as desired. We plan to discuss the causes and a possible reinvention of the existing installation, considering the advantages and disadvanteges of the site. You are invited to join us!


City Sound Concerts by Ici-Même / limited places – please register early!

Members of Grenoble based artistic ensemble Ici-Même are offering a series of blind walks through the sound environment of Tallinn. Limited places! Please register >>>.

The City Sounds Concerts are personally guided soundwalks around Balti Jaam area. The environment may be familiar or unknown. The experience however shifts one’s perception from the dominant sense of seeing to other senses usually payed less attention to. A participant might find himself/herself wandering in between reality and fiction. Little by little, a new sensible and subjective landscape is formed. City Sounds Concerts are so smooth that one perceives them quasi as a motionless journey, yet reaching far away destinations …


sonic drainscape – a public research on sonic potentials

Eyland 07 und Florian Tuercke invite you to research on sonic potentials throughout the drainscape of Tallinn´s Old Town.

This project focuses on the peculiarities of the Old Town´s drainscape – its different shapes and diameters. The open tubes scattered all over become an agglomeration of open resonant pipes tuned by the height of the buildings. The equipment can be rented at MÄRZ (map >>>). Here you also find a map to mark the locations of your favorite drainscape sounds for others to track them. For further information please see sonic drainscape of Tallinn.

MÄRZ project space is open from 11:00 to 18:00 and for the evening presentations beginning at 20:00. For program information please check out fringe-events


Urban Audio ECoC1 in Tallinn / only today – July 5th

This is a one time event. Don´t miss it!
Florian Tuercke (D) is playing the Urban Audio throughout the afternoon of July 5th.
Location: intersection of Põhja Pst/ Sadama (in front of the Statoil gasstation)

The intention of the concept Urban Audio is to examine public space in terms of its musical and compositional potential. For this purpose special instruments are designed that transform ambient sounds to musical tunes. The Urban Audio instruments are temporally put into public places to record music, e.g. at intersections. When a car passes by one of the instruments, the contained strings resonate. The string-vibrations are picked up and transfered to the recording studio via radio-transmission.
The Urban Audio music is created and played by all participants of the underlying noise situation. These music pieces are collateral compositions, which means compositions that are created as by-products of situations whose purpose and origin has no musical substructure.


Tuned City Tallinn – Opening of fringe-events

Tuned City Tallinn started today offering exhibiton, screenings and presentations at MÄRZ project space (fringe-events), as well as a series of guided sound walks throughout the city space. Further, a variety of workshopsare offered. If you are interested in participating in either of them and have not yet registered, please check out the respective site.
The festival´s main program takes place over the week-end, July 7th – 10th. During this time, a diverse program of lectures / presentations, performances / evening concerts, installations, and site-specific projects will be offered to public. A fascinating cross-section of international artists, performers, scientists and thinkers will be brought together to present their approaches to sound and space.

All events are free of charge except the evening concerts. For those you can buy tickets directly on the venue or online >>>. For further information please have a look at the single program categories.


cromatico opening

Samstag 14. Mai 2011, 21:00
Lauluväljak, Tallinn Song Festival Gelände, Narva mnt.95 , Tallinn 10127 Estonia

„Cromatico“ von Lukas Kühne ist eine skulpturale Annäherung an die  “wohltemperierte” chromatische Skala und wurde realisiert und produziert im Rahmen Tallinn 2011 European Capital of Culture und Tuned City Tallinn.



Dienstag 3. Mai 2011, 19 Uhr
Kommunale Galerie Berlin, Hohenzollerndamm 176, 10713 Berlin

Warum Stadtklang (= auditiver Lebensraum) heute neu ins Zentrum unserer Aufmerksamkeit rückt, ist vielleicht einerseits darin begründet, dass im Hörsinn auch der Raumsinn liegt.

Dass das auditive Wahrnehmen einer Lebensumgebung unsere emotionale Bindung an diese wesentlich mitbestimmt und wir diese atmosphärische Notwendigkeit immer mehr vom real Auditiven in den real subjektiv gestalteten medialen Raum (Handy, I-Pod…) verschieben. Und andererseits, dass die auditive Qualität eines urbanen Raums auch immer eine Konsequenz des Designs im architektonischen wie im städteplanerischen Sinn ist… ob zufällig oder gewollt.

Jede Stadt erzählt ihre auditive Geschichte, so wie jeder Raum spricht und ein Klangereignis färbt. Topografie, Architektur, ökonomische
und soziale Struktur und Dynamik, all das lässt sich hören.

Prof. Sam Auinger Gastprofessor Sound Studies UdK Berlin

Lena Kleinheinz Architektin, Dozentin (magma architecture/Berlin)
Carsten Stabenow, (tuned city/Berlin)
Yukio King Urban Soundplaner/Education Department „Ableton“
Thomas Kusitzky Dozent, Auditive Architektur


sounds of muggenhof – mini tuned city nürnberg

Als Teil eines interdisziplinären Wettbewerbs des Kulturreferates der Stadt Nürnberg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Amt für Kultur und Freizeit/ Kulturbüro Muggenhof im Rahmen des nächsten städteübergreifenden Kulturfestivals der Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Kultur im Großraum“ werden wir vom 11. bis 17. April 2011 ein Mini Tuned City realisieren.  Wettbewerbsgebiet ist der „Nürnberger Westen“ mit dem Stadtteil Muggenhof/Eberhardshof, der durch weggebrochene (Groß-) Industrie einem rasanten Strukturwandel unterworfen worden ist. Der Stadtteil mit riesigen Brachflächen, leer stehenden Industriebauten (AEG und Quelle-Hauptquartier von Ernst Neufert!), hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und vielen sozialen und bildungspolitischen Problemen bedarf dringend einer Neuorientierung und Neuausrichtung, gleichzeitig bietet er ungeahnte Spielräume und Potentiale.

Sounds of Muggenhof – Tuned City Nürnberg nähert sich dem heterogenen Quartier aus akustischer Perspektive. Ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Team aus Architekten, Stadtforschern, Musikern, Klangkünstlern und Designern wird eine Woche lang den klanglichen Gegebenheiten Muggenhofs auf den Grund gehen und sich mit der Frage beschäftigen, welche Rolle Klang bei der Auseinandersetzung mit Stadt, Architektur, Raum und Identität haben kann.
Neben Installationen, öffentlichen Aktionen, Audio-Walks und Präsentationen wird das Programm durch Performances in situ sowie Vorträge zum Themenkomplex „Stadt-Klang-Identität“ ergänzt. (siehe Programmdetails >>> Workshops und Vorträge)