Eric Lewis is a professor of Philosophy at McGill University, where is the director of the Institute for the Public Life of Art and Ideas. His researches widely on topics related to music, especially improvised music. He also has a history of research in the history of ancient science and natural philosophy. Prof. Lewis is also an active improviser on brass and electronics. As a member of Medea Electronique, he assists in the management of the Koumaria New Media Art Residency. Prof. Lewis also holds managerial positions in CIRMMT, IHSP, and IICSI. He is presently writing a book on Jeanne Lee and experimental vocal practices. He is the author of: Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Commentary on Book IV of Aristotle’s Meteorologia; The Video Art of Sylvia Safdie; Intents and Purposes, Afrological Aesthetics and Improvisation (at press), and co-editor of Improvisation and Social Aesthetics. He is an active curator of mixed-media art. Prof. Lewis also is involved in the AUMI project, to produce new control surfaces to enable individuals with limited motor control make music. He also directs the Laboratory of Urban Culture, which runs a variety of art programs for youth in the Little Burgundy area of Montreal.
Tuned City Messene 2018 – Listening Politics