You can find a first selection of images in our flickr-pool >>>
Timothy Morton wrote about Tuned City on his blog >>>
and made his ‚earworm‘ lecture (audio and slides) completely available >>>
Jonathan Reus & Ruth Timmermans wrote an extended report for GONZO (circus) >>>
foto © Will Schrimshaw
Martin Howse documented his EDE installation here >>>
foto © Mark Stanley
„What an ambitious festival – 3 days, 47 artists, across 22 venues – enough to make any project manager shudder!“ read the report by Mark Stanley here >>>
A) Shorts: Listening to Tuned City from within and without
by Felicity Ford (UK) & Valeria Merlini (IT)
Felicity Ford and Valeria Merlini explored the sonorities of the city focusing on the sounds of the festival and how they intersect with previously documented sounds of the city itself. During the festival aural “refreshers” of the previous day were played at the start of each subsequent day.
27. June 2013 – opening
28. June 2013 – first conference day
29. June 2013 – second conference day
30. June 2013 – third conference day
A) Symposium: Listening Between a This and a That
June 28th 2013 – Relational Noise
Missing Persons by Hillel Schwartz (US)
Stockholm meets Brussels Mattin (E/BASK) in conversation with Kobe Matthys (BE)
Between Speeds: Sirens, railway shocks, street noises… by Shelley Trower (UK)
Hearing-Things by Christoph Cox (US)
June 29th 2013 – Situational Listening
Walkscapes by Francesco Careri (IT)
The art of sound walks by Joost Fonteyne (BE)
Shared Space by Brandon LaBelle (US)
June 30th 2013 – Operative Ambience
Aesthetic of Atmospheres by Gernot Böhme (D)
Earworm by Timothy Morton (US)
Urban Ambiances as Sensory Lifeforms by Jean-Paul Thibaud (F)
C) radio aporee – fmwalks/bx
by Udo Noll (D)
During Tuned City Brussels, Udo Noll followed the course of the festival with his experimental radio device bx (bROADCAST BOx), a hybrid assembly of tools and techniques for entering and exploring different media spaces more or less simultaneously and delivered a daily sound stream in between documentation and artistic radio practice, embedded into the city’s urban atmospheres. A documentation is online on his blog and the audio archives can be found here on >>>