In the old secondary ports of Montevideo and Rostock, a paradigmatic characteristic manifests itself: the morphologies of these beautiful centuries-old cities with discreet, elegant architecture and steeped in history; new global ports are assembled on their edges in the Warnow and De La Plata rivers, mechanical monsters standardized by world freight traffic come in scene. This radical encounter between the global and the local appears materialized as a collision. Territorial issue that gives physical clues to the contradictions we inhabit as a new post-industrial and hyper-mercantile era. In 2021 we will place ourselves – understanding post-pandemic care as the new skin of the body – on the uncertain edges.

These porous and little calculated thicknesses are the ones that we want to be put into dialogue. We invited a group of soundartists from Germany and Uruguay to place their practices on these edges to share deep listening, walk together, and do reflection exercises.

The first module will take place in Montevideo/Uruguay from November 1st – 14th.
The participants are: Kerstin Ergenzinger (DE), Nika Schmitt (DE/LU), Fernando Godoy (CL), Leonello Zambón (AR), Eugenia González (UY-AR), Lourdes Silva (UY), René Rissland (DE), Cristian Espinoza (CL/UY), Pol Villasuso (UY) and Carsten Stabenow (DE)

Made possible with the support of International Coproduction Fond of The Goethe Institut and Musikfonds.


Radio & Media Partners: Radio Monteaudio, Radio Tsonami Valparaíso. Radio IF Buenos Aires SUBTE, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo EAC, Taller Experimental Arte Sonoro EUM-UDELAR, Ingeniería Audiovisual Universidad Católica de Uruguay, SRAP Sedlak Rissland Architekten and Tuned City