Dr. Kleinberg-Levin received a B.A. in Philosophy from Harvard University in 1961 and a Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1967.  He taught in the Humanities Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1968-1972) before joining the Department of Philosophy at Northwestern University.  Dr. Kleinberg-Levin, now Professor Emeritus, retired in 2005 after thirty-three years of teaching in the Department of Philosophy as well as in the Department of German Studies and the Jewish Studies Program at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.  He is the author of numerous journal articles in critical social theory, phenomenology, ethics, and aesthetics.  His books are Reason and Evidence in Husserl’s Phenomenology  (Northwestern University Press, 1970); The Body’s Recollection of Being  (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985); The Opening of Vision  (Routledge, 1988); The Listening Self  (Routledge, 1989); The Philosopher’s Gaze: Modernity in the Shadow of Enlightenment  (University of California Press, 1999, reprinted by Duquesne University Press in 2001); La Carne e la Voce: In Dialogo tra Estetica ed Etica (Milano: Edizioni Mimesis, 2003) in collaboration with Mauro Carbone; Gestures of Ethical Life: Reading Hölderlin’s Question of Measure After Heidegger (Stanford University Press, 2005); and Before the Voice of Reason: Echoes of Responsibility in Merleau-Ponty’s Ecology and Levinas’s Ethics (SUNY Press, 2008).  He is also editor of Pathologies of the Modern Self  (New York University Press, 1987), Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision  (University of California Press, 1994), Sites of Vision: The Discursive Construction of Sight in the History of Philosophy (The MIT Press, 1997), and Language Beyond Postmodernism  (Northwestern University Press, 1997).  His most recent project, consummated in a forthcoming book, bears the title Redeeming Words: A Critical Theory Approach to Language, Literature, and the Promise of Happiness in a Time of Mourning.  His lifetime of research, teaching and writing has been dedicated to the hermeneutical phenomenology of moral life, the elaboration of a critical theory of Western society and culture on the basis of this phenomenology, and contributions to the critical discourses in aesthetics and the philosophy of art.  His publications in this last category include brochures for gallery exhibitions (on oil paintings, photographs, and sculptures), and critical essays on modern dance, the cinema and works of literature.  He has lectured on architecture at the McGill School of Architecture; the Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Design, Washington University, St. Louis; and at the Alvar Aalto University, in Helsinki, Finland.

im Programm von Tuned City
Listening as Critacal Social Praxis and as a Practice of the Self / 09.07.11