30th of December 2012  15:00 (3 p.m.)
Berlin, Alexanderplatz    (meeting point: world-clock / Weltzeituhr)
initiated by Florian Tuercke (D)
Take part!!

about the flashmob
2012 was the year of John Cages 100th birthday. The musical, and philosophical accomplishments of this outstanding composer were celebrated with conferences, festivals, performances, lectures and publications all over the world. The 4’33” flashmob wants to set a proper ending point to the John-Cage-Year. You are invited to take part in this intervention. Further informations and instructions here: http://floriantuercke.net/news.html

about 4’33”
The composition was first performed by David Tudor in 1952 (which means it had its 60th anniversary this year). Though often referred to as “four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence” the composition isn’t about silence at all. The musical content rather is all the sounds that happen while a musician (or an orchestra) doesn’t play.